Sleepy Hollow Radio
The voice of the hollow
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Sleepy Hollow Radio is a leading radio station reaching the New York area, broadcasting via Internet and online streaming platforms. Join at Sleepy Hollow Radio for continuous live programming! The 24/7 schedule features an exciting mix of talk shows, music, and more, making Sleepy Hollow Radio the perfect choice to keep you tuned in anytime, anywhere.
Sleepy Hollow Radio is founded in September 2020, Sleepy Hollow Radio is a BMI licensed high school internet radio station housed at Sleepy Hollow High School in Sleepy Hollow, New York. Funded by The Foundation for the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns, our goal is to provide our student body with the rich experience across the broad spectrum of radio broadcasting. Empowering our students with a voice that literally can be heard around the world, we will have talk, music, sports, literature, radio drama, and more. We will also actively engage in community service to provide our direct community with the awareness of all local non-profit services our town has to offer.