Native Voice One
The lodge of good voices
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Native Voice One is a leading radio station reaching the Alaska area, broadcasting via FM, Internet and online streaming platforms. Join at Native Voice One for continuous live programming! The 24/7 schedule features an exciting mix of talk shows, music, and more, making Native Voice One the perfect choice to keep you tuned in anytime, anywhere.
Native Voice One (NV1) offers radio programs to over 200 public radio stations, from reservation and village-based stations, to rural, and to top-market urban stations throughout the United States and beyond.
Native Voice One (NV1) is the distribution division of Anchorage-based Koahnic Broadcast Corporation. Our mission is to serve as a leader in bringing Native voices to Alaska, the nation, and the world. NV1 distributes work from Native and non-Native producers whose programming educates, advocates, and celebrates Indigenous life and values. The programs also enlighten and inform the general public about Native American news, culture, history, music, events, and modern life. NV1 programming is entertaining, thought- provoking, timely, culturally-sensitive and respectful.
NV1 distributed programs are carried by over 195 affiliates, from reservation and village-based stations to top-market urban radio stations throughout the United States and Canada. NV1 also offers a twenty-four hour web stream with access to unique programming with an Indigenous perspective.